Legacy information


This website is published by the Société par Actions Simplifiée DUFLOT NOTAIRES, a notary’s office.

Headquarters: 5 rue de Bourgogne 75007 PARIS
RCS: Paris 950 779 330
Share capital: €2,000,000
VAT number: FR40950779330
Site URL: www.etude-duflot-notaires.fr
Contact: 01 83 75 07 50
The Publication Director is Sylvère DUFLOT, in his capacity as Chairman of SAS DUFLOT NOTAIRES.


The personal data recorded on this site will be stored and used in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing and freedoms. No personal data will be collected without your knowledge.

You can exercise your right to modify, rectify and delete data concerning you at duflot.notaire@paris.notaires.fr


The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by international conventions and the laws in force on intellectual property, in particular copyright, unfair competition and registered trademarks. No reproduction or representation may take place without the prior written consent of the Notarial Office Sylvère DUFLOT. Despite all the care taken in the creation of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information and / or documents presented. The users of the site will therefore carry out all necessary checks, the publisher’s liability cannot be engaged for any errors.


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Photographer: Ronan Rocher


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This site was created by Laëtitia Mouloud, PöCöm DESIGN – Seine et Marne – contact@pocomdesign.com
Site URL: www.pocomdesign.com